Confessions of a Blogger xo

Monday, 25 August 2014

Hey Guys!!
I know I have done quite a few Q&A type posts these past few days, I do apologise, I just want to keep my holiday posts for when I get back as I didn't want to post while I'm away. This will probably be a bit of a rambly one, so give yourself a high five if you got to the end :)
When did you start your blog?
I started my blog back in September last year, it'll be my 1 year Blogiversary in 2 weeks.

Have you had any past online presence before (Other blog, YouTube)?
I actually used to Vlog and have a Weekly Channel but it got to a point where I wasn't enjoying doing that anymore and I didn't want that to come across in the videos, so decided to put all my focus on my blog :)
Why did you start a blog?
I started blogging because I wanted somewhere to get my ideas and thoughts down. It was also down to the fact I love writing and why not write about the things I love for everyone to see and read :)

When did you become serious about starting a blog?
I've started getting a bit more serious about it the past few months, not in the sense I want to be making money off it, but more because I enjoy writing about the things I enjoy :)
What was your first post?
My first post was an Introduction post so I just answered a few questions, so that you knew a little bit about me :)
What has been your biggest challenge about blogging?
For me I think it was finding my niche as at first I was just going to write about fashion and lifestyle but I find I write about a lot more things, like recipes I've tried, fashion, beauty, books, etc. Also at first it was a challenge for me to let people I knew read it as I don't always take criticism very well so until I felt I could deal with it I didn't let them read it. Now I have a Facebook page dedicated to my blog so that family and friends can also read it. You can go give it a Like if you are on Facebook HERE
Where do you see your blog in one year?
To be honest I rather be in the now rather than see where it is in a year, as it can go either way. I'd like to think that in a year people are still reading it and enjoying it :)
What is the most rewarding thing to you about blogging?
For me it has to be knowing people are reading my posts, even its just 5 people I know I have created something that someone enjoys enough to take 5 minutes out of their day to read.  
What is the most discouraging thing that happens to you?
At the beginning I had an awful habit of comparing my blog to the bigger, popular blogs and I would get discouraged. Now I have turned it around and look at it that I enjoy what I do and people will only read things that interest them, I think sometimes when you are creating a blog you also have to look at it from a readers point of view to.
What's your lasting inspiration or motivation?
I would definitely say other bloggers inspire me, like Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, and a lot more. I never copy posts I will just maybe write a few notes down or ideas and put my own twist on it so that it is an individual and unique post to my blog :)
Well I hope you have enjoyed this post!!
See You Soon!!


  1. I'm wondering if there still are those vlogs on Youtube.. I'd really like to watch them (:
    xx Amy

    1. Hello, yes the vlogs are still on there :)

      Here is a link to one of them

